Mushroom Rock Surf Report and Spot Info


Intermediate surf guiding at Musroom Rock

Our intermediate surfers were off to Mushroom Rock this morning, while our beginners took the opportunity afforded to us by the light wind to surf Baby Padang. At Mushroom Rock, the swell is still producing overhead and barreling set waves on the outside, providing excellent waves for advanced surfers. Our crew surfed a smaller peak down the beach which offered overhead set waves from a swell of 5 ft. at 14 seconds. The waves were nicely groomed by a light offshore breeze which kept the wave faces open beautifully.

Over the next week, the swell will remain in the head-high to overhead range, and the wind will remain offshore. This is a recipe for a great ending to the seasonal westerly breeze.  Lets enjoy our last few sessions in the Nusa Dua area!


Beginner Surf Lessons at Mushroom Rock

Our surfers headed to the Nusa Dua area this morning as the wind is still blowing from the west throughout the island. There is enough swell in the water for our beginner surfers to ride the inside waves at Mushroom Rock while the intermediates were off to Sri Lanka. At Mushroom Rock, the beginner surfers enjoyed waist to head-high waves breaking on the inside of the surf break. The swell came in at 3.5 ft. at 16 seconds from 200 degrees, and the wind blew offshore. The beginners focused on getting to their feet with balance and control of the surfboard, and conserving energy when larger waves came through.
Mushroom rock is a fun wet season wave for beginner surfers when there is too much swell for Black Stone. The inside provides a safe venue for developing surfers to begin their surfing journeys.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Mushroom Rock

The beginner group headed to Mushroom Rock this morning where they found a beautiful, bright, sunny morning and excellent beginner waves! The swell is coming in at 4.5 ft. at 10 seconds, coming from 198 degrees. The waves came in at shoulder-high on the best of the sets, and the waves broke cleanly across the reef at a slow, mellow pace. The wind has improved signifigantly over the previous few days, blowing calmly offshore against the slow moving peaks. The slow waves gave our surfers the time to process how their movements and weight distribution affect how the surfboard moves through the water.

The wind forecast is looking good over the next few days. The strong west wind is finally easing in strength and persistence, which opens up other parts of the island to surfing, such as the southern tip and the west coast of the island.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Mushroom Rock

Our beginner surfers were off to Black Stone this morning where they tested themselves in the challenging but clean conditions. The swell has increased in size overnight to 7 ft. at 14 seconds from 208 degrees, making the more exposed spots for expert surfers only. The wind is still blowing strongly from the west, which is offshore for breaks in the Nusa Dua area. Our surfers persisted and found suitable head-high waves to develop their skills. The offshore wind kept the faces of the waves open for our surfers to glide long, and everyone came home stoked and ready for breakfast!

Bali is well known for its consistent and powerful surf. Unlike most places, Bali receives swell year-round from the Southern Ocean. The size of the swells increases during the dry season, which is from April to October, however the wet season still serves up pumping waves.


Beginners Surf Lessons at Mushroom Rock

The seasonal west wind and rain continues to make its presence known on our side of the Bukit, leaving the entire west side of the island with blown-out conditions. Not an issue for us however, as our beginner group was off to Mushroom Rock again where they found head-high waves on the outside, smaller waves on the inside, and offshore conditions. The swell has eased slightly in size, dropping to 5 ft. at 13 seconds. Having surfed the break a few times, our surfers now have a better understanding of which waves are best, and they each found several great rides!

When learning to surf, there is no alternative to time spent in the water. Studying other surfers, practicing movements on land, and using visualization techniques are all helpful, but you must spend time in the water to make lasting improvements.


Beginners Surf Lessons at Mushroom Rock

Our Beginner group was off to Mushroom Rock again where they tested their strength and courage in the challenging conditions. The swell was coming in at 5 ft. at 16 seconds from 215 degrees, and the wind was blowing moderately offshore. The waves breaking on the outside were in the overhead range while the inside offered waist to shoulder-high, slowly rolling waves. Our surfers chose to surf the less-crowded outside break where they tested their ability to get to their feet with stability and control.

Mushroom rock is a fun wet season wave for the beginner surfers when the swell is up as the west wind is blowing. When the wind blows strongly like today, it often blows offshore all day, keeping conditions good for beginners. On days like today, you can choose to surf the outside or inside section, depending on your ability and preferences.


Beginner Surf Lessons at Mushroom Rock

With a strong wind from the west and a moderate swell, all of our surfers headed to the Nusa Dua area. Our Beginner group surfed Mushroom Rock, in the heart of Nusa Dua. The developing surfers found The swell is coming in at 4ft. at 13 seconds from 217 degrees. There was a light offshore breeze which kept the waves clean and organized. Great day for the beginners!

The long-range forecast suggests that the strong west wind, which shows up every January and February, has arrived. This wind is onshore for the west coast of Bali, but offshore for Nusa Dua, the east coast, and parts of the southern coastline of the Bukit. This means our camp will be heading to Nusa Dua and the Southern Bukit frequently over the next two months. Also, a new road has opened, which reduces the travel time to Nusa Dua from our camp.


Beginner Surfing Lessons at Mushroom Rock, Bali

It’s been over a year since our last surf report from Mushroom Rock in Nusa Dua but that’s exactly where our beginner group headed this morning for their first session of private surf lessons.

There was a fresh offshore wind blowing up the faces of Mushroom Rock’s right-handers and a little current running which made the one-on-one attention of a private instructor even more valuable than normal.

Waves were breaking between waist and shoulder-high today and everybody caught their share of rides before hopping over to Black Stone — on the other side of the headland — for their second session of the day.


Surf lessons, Bali, Mushroom Rock, Surf report

This morning our intermediate group had surf lessons at Mushroom Rock. A lot improvement already has been made in surfing skills of our learners but there is no room for complacency. Surfing is an endless learning our surfers know that. Conditions today were a bit windy with fresh cross shore and bumpy but still comfortable for productive surf lessons. Swell is still small and waves are waist high to chest head high size.

Beginners group, in the meantime, surfed Padang Padang beach this morning. Notwithstanding the light rain conditions were pretty comfortable for learning. Waves are knee high to waist high.

If you are either beginner or intermediate surfer and want to have surf lessons, then look no further. Book and enjoy the best surf experience at Bali’s premier surf camp and yoga resort.